Trainers, Coaches, Speakers, Course Creators, Subject-Matter Experts, Sales Execs.

See How I stop subjecting my online audience to Death-by-PowerPoint, grab and keep their attention and get better results every time!

Masterclass starts at 4pm UK/IE | 12pm EST.

The first investment your audience makes is NOT with their money,

it's with their attention!

So, if they don't pay attention, they don't pay at all!

What is covered in this Masterclass?

Part 1

You Will Learn 'Pattern Interrupt' Techniques for More Engaging Online Presentations and Courses That Deliver Better Results.

Transform Your Presentations Into Engaging, Profit-Driving Experiences.

Part 2

1-to-1 Hot Seat Coaching and Live Q & A. First come, first served.

Get recommended equipment specific for your set up.

Why I Created This Training:

1. To Combat Screen Fatigue:

In a world dominated by digital meetings, I needed to stand out by delivering presentations that keep my audience hooked.

2. To Engage More Effectively:

I tested some innovative techniques to break the monotony and keep my audience engaged from start to finish and they worked.

3. Drive Profitable Outcomes:

I could then transform my presentations into a powerful sales tool that generates real, measurable results.

What This Training Will Cover:

Innovative Engagement Strategies: Discover a treasure trove of techniques to break the pattern of boring presentations.

Interactive Elements: Learn how to integrate interactive elements that invite audience participation and attention.

Psychological Triggers: Unlock the power of psychological triggers to keep your audience attentive and ready to act.

Who Is This For?

Educators and Trainers seeking to maintain student engagement in a virtual environment.

Webinar Presenters who want to increase impact and income.

Sales Professionals looking to boost their pitch effectiveness.

Special Bonuses:

Quick Start Guide: Jumpstart your journey with easy-to-implement tips.

Case Studies: Real-life examples of successful pattern interrupt techniques.

Copyright 2024 Johnny Beirne